Friday, December 21, 2007

Classes for January 2008

January 8, 2008 Rose will teach the waving flag. Classes start at 9:30
Here are the requirements for the "WAVING FLAG WALLHANGING".
The size will be approximately 26 x 28 A picture is on Flickr.

1/2 yd. blue fabric (blue with white star fabric preferred)
3/8 yd. white fabric
3/4 yd. red fabric
7/8 yd. fabric (backing)
7/8 yd. or 30"x 32" piece of low loft batting
1/2" - 3/4' plastic rings or your choice of hanging
Thread: RED & WHITE
Jan 15 and 22 Alice will work with color theroey bringh your 2 to 3 inch squares of color. You should have shade of colors and primary colors like red, blue and yellow and a glue stick. I assume we will be able to share pieces of fabric with each our.
January 29, finish up on Febuary 5th. Rose will teach the "SPINNING WHEEL" (otherwise known as New Orleans Puzzle) a picture is on Flickr site.

Large: 1/3 yd. of eight (8) fabrics. Fabric must be 42 to 44 inches wide. Select colors dark to light.

1 1/4 yd for backing - Select your favorite fabric for the back.

1 1/4 yd of batting (light weight)

Med: 1/4 yd of five (5) fabrics. Select your favorite fabric. Select colors dark to light.

1 yd for backing

1 yd of batting (light weight)

12 1/2 inch square ruler & tape to mark your ruler

or large(16 1/2") & small (10 1/2") triangle

Thread to match backing and Multifilament thread (polyester)

Walking foot for your machine

Sunday, December 16, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dec 4 and woven table runner list for Dec 18

Sorry I have to change the resolution on my camera. It is fine for emails but not for uploading here. I will change it back for next week. I'll learn to take pictures some day soon, I hope.
Woven Table cloth Runner Class Dec 18

  • Fabric Make sure you have good contrast!

  • Dark color 1 yard........................Cut 10 3 inch strips

  • Medium color 1 1/2 yard..........Cut 15 3 inch strips

  • Light color 1 & 1/2 yard...........Cut 15 3 inch strips

Step 1. With rights sides together, sew strips into tubes using 1/4 inch seam. Stitch across one end to make it easy to turn with a wooden rod.

Step 2. Press tubes with seams to the side.

Bring this to class on the 18th. The first two steps take a long time. Barbara will show us how to do the weaving. We will use a 2 X 4 foot piece of Styrofoam 3/4 inch thick. Have tacks or push pins to hold the ends. This project will not be finished in one class. Herb's hardware has the Styrofoam in 4 X 8 sheets. So get 4 people together to buy one. They will cut it for you but Paul (the yard man) added that likes chocolate chip cookies and it sure would help him cut straight! We told him that more people will be coming in.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nov 27 2007 meeting

Dec 4.…. 10 o’clock Marilyn will show us how to do a “taco folded pillow case”. This would be a great item to go with our charity quilts for the kids to store their personal belongings in. You will need 3 pieces of fabric that coordinate. ¾ yd of main color, 1/3 yd for top and the last piece 1/8 yd. Of course you need your sewing machine and the usual stuff.

Sandra will be teaching Tenerife on Dec 5th . I hope You will remember the beautiful quilt from the show last year. The class will be held at Desert Edge RV Park because of the fact that there is a charge for the class. You need to bring a 7 inch embroidery hoop and a needle with a eye large enough for Crochet thread. Sandra will have every thing else. The class will be $25.00. Sing up now. She needs a head count.

Dec 11 Janet will teach her starch method of appliqué. The supply list was given last time.

Dec 18th…Christmas party. Pot luck lunch will be served. Gift exchange is $5.00 and to fit in a toilet paper roll (like last year). Be creative, this can be fun.

Dec 18 th Barbara Bernard will show us how to do a woven table runner in the morning before we eat.

Bus trip… now to Barbara Mitchell

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nov 20 2007

Class Schedule
We had 28 members present today at the meeting. Several new people.
Remember to get your $40.00 To Barb M. for the bus trip Jan 17, 2008 We need the money NOW. The bus will leave the Senior Center at 6 a.m.

Nov 27 finger food pot luck lunch, no spoons ....bring your own plate and drink.

Nov 27 Crazy quilt blocks will be started. Bring your embellishment to sell or trade. 9 o'clock the doors open.

Dec 11 Janet will lead us in hand applique using the spray starch method.
  • background fabric approx 12 X12
  • Emory board
  • 4 or 5 scrape fabrics for flowers and leaves
  • glue stick
  • hand applique thread
  • heat resistant plastic for templates
  • Iron, small travel or craft
  • Ironing surface
  • needle- sharp applique #9 or #10
  • small artist paint brush
  • sharpie pen
  • small scissors
  • Spray starch original not heavy or sizing
  • thimble
I'm trying to add pictures using Flickr see if it works please.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

stitches for your crazy quilt

This is a link to some stitches for our crazy quilts.
Let the sewing begin!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Red Work Patterns?

I am hoping to start some redwork embroidery this winter and wondered if I could ask any one who had some patterns they would be willing to share to bring them along.

I have started packing. We won't leave Washington till about the 15th of Oct but Iwant tobe more organized for a change. I saw a tv program about procrastination and I recoginzed myself. Of course this won't last.
Looking forward to our quilting season.
Your friend Louise

Friday, August 31, 2007

mystery quilt block 3 & 8

block 5 mystery quilt

block 5 page 2

mystery quilt borders page 1


Sept 2007 newsletter

September News;

Hope every one has had a good summer. I will be taking a rock hunting trip for 3 weeks starting Sept. 15, then back to Mn for 3 weeks then packing for AZ.. How the time flys!

I am ahead of you on the mystery quilt since I have all the pieces..HA ha. I am sending you 3 double sided pages of instructions so that you will have the balance.
(Internet I think it will be coming as 6 photos.) Don’t ask why???? I will not send them all at the same time for those of you with dial up. I was making it 4 parts but we will all be on the road soon and I will not get to Q. until mid November. You may want to be all done by then. I am pleased with MOST of mine. I really had to work hard on the accuracy part with all those points.

Barb M. and Norma are reminding everyone to make things for QIA and if they are not going to be in AZ early they could mail the things to Barb M. since she is there already and will see that Norma gets them for the first sale Nov. 3. Send things to :Barbara Mitchell P.O. Box 3025 - Quartzsite, AZ 85359


Dues are now $10.00 annually and are to be paid at the first meeting you attend.
($5.00 for Guild and $5.00 for membership at Senior Citizens)
Our year will have to follow the same as Senior Citizens, namely, October – April.
This will be known as the “season” (example October 2007-April-2008) Please pay them at your first meeting.


Meetings are held every Tuesday from 9:00 AM to 4 PM. The first Tuesday of the month there will be a business meeting. The meetings will be held at the Senior Citizen Building on Moon Mountain Road. ##### Note: Main Street is all tore up until Dec 15th. Check your city map or call someone if you don’t know the back streets.

We just had a phone call from Senior Citizens and due to conflict in schedule for early Oct. the first time we will be able to get into the Center to sew or meet will be October 16. They will open the doors at 9:00 A.M.
So please plan on that date. Also it is important that we remember to pay dues early, so that we will all be members of Senior Citizens and that will assure we can keep our spot.

o 2 to 3 inch squares of fabric for Alice to help us learn about color theory, the more the merrier. I sure need help there.
o Fancy fabric and embellishments (beads, lace, etc) for crazy quilting
o Did you check out the bus tour idea? Or more ideas……
o No one has volunteered to teach so I have no supply list to send you. I still have time to email a list if you get one too me. I have some ideas, but they will use scraps and what have you…if I have too.

Keep Sewing and we will see you soon!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Revised Mission Statement


The mission of the Quartzsite Quilt Guild is to promote the art of quilting, support and educate quilt makers of all skill levels.

We are dedicated to fellowship and sharing the enjoyment of quilting.


To finish one child's quilt per member by the third week of March each year. These quilts will be donated to Children's Protective Services for distribution to children in crisis.
To stage the Quartzsite Quilt Guilt Show. The show is held, Friday and Saturday, the second weekend of February at Senior Citizen Building located at 40 N. Moon Mountain in Quartzsite, Arizona
To make a quilt to be raffled at the annual quilt show. Proceeds will go to charities designated by the guild members.

Meetings are held every Tuesday from 9:00 AM to 4 PM. The first Tuesday of the month there will be a business meeting. The meetings will be held at the Senior
Citizen Building on Moon Mountian Road.


The executive shall consist of:

Project Chairpersons:
Quilt Show

Raffle Quilt

Q.I.A. Craft Shows

Education Sessions

Charity Quilts


The term of office will be two years. Elections will be held in January, every second year for the following fall.


Dues are $10.00 annually and are to be paid at the first meeting you attend.

$5.00 for Guild and $5.00 for membership at Senior Citizens

Our year will have to follow the same as Senior Citizens, namely, October – April.

Which will be known as the “season” (example October 2007-April-2008)
Revised April 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

mystery quilt problem

Am I the only one that can't figure out the chain and hourglass block??? I think the instructions must be wrong. Comments?? Barb

News from Bonnie

"I just wanted to tell everyone that I am now about to start stitching down the small pieces of fabric on the 96 squares that I took for the cathedral window quilt. I have " 24"patches that are 4 sewn together, That makes for... 245... pieces of fabric , for the windows on these squares. I have them all pinned on, now just need to start sewing . wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to get it done, BUT I did not work on it steady like I should have. I am anxious for everyone to get back so I will have some place to go ...ha-ha... "

Thursday, July 19, 2007

mystery quilt part 2

Here is your mystery quilt. I have no idea why it is working this way today?????program change I guess. click on the partial page and it should show the whole pattern. I was able to print it with no problem. Let me know if this does not work for you and I will try something else. You must click on the writing for the pattern and it should open full page. You should be able to print from your web browser. Click back to leave the page and mouse or arrow to the next page and ckick again. There are 3 pages of instructions. Give it a try, be brave.

Photo hosted by HDDWeb - , Photo hosted by HDDWeb -,Photo hosted by HDDWeb -

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I just got a phone call from Sue H. alerting me to the fact that Abbie W. 's father passed away last Friday. I thought all her friends would like to know. Our thoughts are with you Abbie.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mystery quilt part one page 2 with pictures

This is page 2. You should be able to print from this site. The diagram on the top is from the last page, The next part is the instructions for the begining of the next 2 blocks, the basket and the postage stamp block (don't know what happened to the heading?) . The reason I broke the instuctions up is because they made 3 parts for the newsletter. If you can't wait I can sent them to you early. I just finished my baskets thru the handle and am excited to sew them together. I may look ahead.
Please let me know if this works.

Mystery quilt part one page one with pictures

Sorry, I told you I was new to this. The first mystery quilt instructions did not have the diagrams for what ever reason. I am tring again. This is the first page. I will try to do the second page also, if this works. Please let me know if you get it.

Letter from Janet

Just a line to let you all know the quilt exhibition is going well. There has been a lot of positive feed back. What a nice feeling to see so many of my quilts hanging in one place. I am sending a few pictures of them for you all to see.
I also got a letter today that two of my quilt have been accepted into the International Quilt Show in Lowell Massachusetts. The show will be in August so it will not interfere with this exhibit.
We are having a great spring, I have a tomato plant doing well and cucumbers just starting. Alan and Riley are doing fine and enjoying taking their afternoon naps. Riley sits under the apple tree most of the day and refuses to come in until it is dark outside.
The two girls in the photos are young ladies that are taking my Grandmothers Flower Garden Class, Jenna and Gwen. I surely enjoyed having them and I just hope I guide them in the right direction.
Miss you all, love,
Alan, Janet and Riley

Janet, were you wiorking on this one in Q?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

May 2007 Newsletter

Greetings Quilters
Hope every one is doing well. I had a great visit on the phone with Jean. She was able to track me down as I am a hard one to catch. If you have tried to call me on my cell phone you know that I don’t always remember to turn it on…..My old (land) number is back on. 320-759-1984. I have been extremely busy as I am moving to a different house. It is only a few blocks away but still just as much work. I am selling the cheaper house of the two. Or at least I am trying. First ad comes out Friday in the paper. Yea, off course I am trying to sell it myself, at least for now. If all else fails, I’m back in the rental business again.
I went to a quilt show last weekend. It was the first show I have gone to other then ours in Q. It was just great! The featured quilt was Dresden plate. They had a “million” of them! WOW is all I can say. I took pictures but have not had time to download them to the computer. Sorry the only news I have on classes is that Alice will be helping us with color. As you go through your stash this summer cut out a 2 ½ or 3 inch square of every color you have to bring with to “Q” . We will work on color combos. Sounds like some thing that I really need, for sure. Let Nancy know if you are able to teach a class. We need YOUR help.
Here is the first part of the mystery quilt. I thought I was going to be “so” smart and have the first part done already….well I cut the light fabric and can’t decide what other to use. (It’s the color thing) But here goes. Any questions talk to Marilyn. I am just learning to scan and this is a new computer (Scary)
Remember that everyone has a photographic memory. Some, like me just don’t have any film.
Stay well and keep sewing.

Mystery Quilt

Part 1
REMEMBRANCE 78" Square Sampler Quilt Designed by Kim Diehl
Preserve and honor our quilting heritage when you stitch this traditional sampler project featuring large, easily pieced vintage-style blocks. Explore new techniques or brush up your existing skills as you sew blocks that include half-square triangles using two methods, strip piecing. stitch and fold points, applique (without needle-turning!), and optional embroidery embellishments. To easily plan your fabric choices, yardage requirements for the entire project are provided using just two colors (one dark and one light), but if your preferences lean toward a contemporary or scrappy look, simply substitute your choices. Cutting instructions are provided separately for each block and/or sec­tion of the quilt. Have fun!
Yardage Requirements
6 yards of dark print or solid 4 3/4 yards of backing fabric
3 3/4 yards of light print or muslin 84" square of quilt batting
Blocks 1 and 6 -Double X Variation
From dark cut:
· One 2-yard width of fabric length (72") from the length of the grain, parallel to the selvages; reserve this for a later use when preparing ~e outer borders and binding.
· 2 strips, 3 7/8" x 42"; crosscut into 14 squares, 3 7/8" x 3 7/8" (reserve the remainder of the strip for use in
Blocks 3 and 8)
·1 strip, 3 1/2" x 42"; crosscut into 8 squares, 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"
From light cut:
· 2 strips, 3 7/8" x 42"; crosscut into 14 squares, 3 7/8" x 3 7/8" (reserve the remainder of the strip for use in Blocks 3 and 8)
· 2 strips, 3 1/2" x 42''''; crosscut into 14 squares, 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"
1. Layout 5 light 3 1/2" squares and 4 dark 3 1/2" squares in three rows to form a nine-patch unit. Join the pieces in each row. Press the seam allowances toward the dark. Join the rows. Press the seam allowances toward the middle row. Repeat for a total of 2 nine-patch units.
2. Use a pencil to draw a line on the reverse of the 14 light 3 7/8” squares.
3.Layer a prepared light 3 7/8" square with a dark 3 7/8" square. Sew together 1/4" out from each side of the pencil line. Cut the joined pair apart exactly on the drawn line. Press the two resulting half-square triangles open, with the seam allowance toward the dark. Trim away the dog-ear points. Repeat for a total of 28 half-square triangles.
Each layered pair will make 2 half-square triangle units.
4. Join 3 half-square triangles as shown. Press the seam allowances toward the dark. Repeat for a total of 4 side units.

5. Join 4 half-square triangles as shown. Press the seam allowances toward the dark. Join a light 3 1/2" square to the· dark end of the pieced strip. Press the seam allowances toward the light square. Repeat for a total of 4 top/ bottom units.

6. Join a side unit to the right and left hand sides of a nine-patch unit from step 1. Press the seam allowances to­ward the nine-patch. Join a top -bottom unit to the remaining sides of the nine-patch. Press the seam allowances towards the. Nine -patch. Repeat for a total of two Double -X Variation blocks measuring 15 1/2" square, including seam allowances.

From dark, cut:
· 1 strip, 5 7/8" x 42"; crosscut into 4 squares, 5 7/8" x 5 7/8". Cut each square in half diago­nally to yield 8 triangles. (reserve the remainder of the strip for use in Block 5)
· 1 strip, 3 3/8" x 42"; crosscut into 8 squares, 3 3/8" x 3 3/8". Cut each square in half diago­nally to yield 16 triangles. From the remainder of this strip, cut 8 squares, 1 1/2"x 1 1/2"
· 1 rectangle, 7 1/2" x 22"; from this rectangle, cut 8 bias strips, 1 1/4" x 7 1/2" (reserve the remaining 7 1/2" - wide width offabric piece that remains after cutting the 22" rectangle for use in Block 5)
From light, cut:
· 2 strips, 5 7/8" x 42" ; crosscut into 8 squares, 5 7/8" x 5 7/8". Cut each square in half diago­nally to yield 16 triangles. From the remainder of this strip, cut 7 squares, 3" x 3"
· 1 strip, 3" x 42"; crosscut into 9 squares, 3" x 3"
1. Layer a 5 7/8" dark triangle with a 5 7/8" light triangle. Stitch together along the long bias edges, leaving two approximately 1 112" wide openings about 1 1/2" in from each side for placement of the basket handles. Press the seam allowance toward the dark. Trim away the dog-ear points. Repeat for a total of 8 half-square triangles.
2. Fold a 1 1/4" x 7 1/2" bias strip in half with wrong sides together and sttich along the long raw edge using a scant 1/4" seam allowance. Press the strip flat with the seam centered, so that it will be hidden when the handle is appliqued to the block background. Repeat for a to­tal of 8 prepared handles.
3. Use a water-soluble marker to place a tiny dot at the basket seam line 1 1/2" in from each point. Apply small dots of liquid basting glue for fabric to the seam allowance of a prepared handle. Press the handle onto the light side of a block background, aligning the outside curves with the marked dots and tucking the raw ends into the openings at the seam line. (Ensure that you leave at least 1 /2" between the outer curve of the handle and the block edge to allow for the seam allowances.) Trim away any excess handle length, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance. Use matching thread to applique the handle in place. Machine stitch the openings in the seam line closed. Repeat for a total of 8 appliqued basket segments.
Leave at least 1 /2" for seam allowance.
This square will be continued next newsletter, because I could not scan this next picture.
You are Invited to a Quilt Exhibition
Featuring Quilt Artist
Janet Nieuwenhoff

June 1, 2007 through June 28, 2007

At the Charlton Sewing Center
12 Stafford Street
Charlton, Massachusetts
Shop hours are
Monday thru Saturday
10:00 AM until 6:00 PM

I will be there on Saturdays in June for classes. However you can go to the shop anytime they are open to see the display.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Raffle Quilt is Quilted!

Marilyn just notified me that Grandma's flower garden has been quilted and is Looking GREAT! We need input on what to use for the binding. Any ideas???? Let us know here. It is a good chance to learn to post. Otherwise send us and e-mail.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

quilt pattern calendars

Barb M and Gerry P. just reported that they had a fun trip to Yuma on Wednesday. They bought 4 of the calendar quilt pads like we had at the meetings. Let Barb M. know if you would like one of them. Barb will be in Q. until May 4Th then on to home in IL. By the way it was 90 in Q. on Wed.
Jean B. called me from Co. She got home and lost her voice and is still tyring to find it. She said to say "HI" to everyone on line.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Hi to every one!
I too am home now and wrestling with my old computer. It seems that it can not handle my new camera. So I am going to try posting 2 pictures with my old camera (ugh). I am hoping that I have a few pictures uploaded some where that I can add to this site until I figure out what to do. Feel free to email pictures to me.
I just finished the round robin block for April. Keep in touch!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

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Posted by Picasa
Posted by Picasa

march 13 '07

March 13; we had a brief meeting to discuss the new building. It is really nice (air conditioning) and we all like it. We were reminded that the Senior Center has asked that we all become members to use the hall. It was agreed by all that when we pay our dues in the fall for 2008 we pay a total of $10.00. $5.00 will go to the guild and $5.00 will be membership to the center. This will make it easier then if we have to go to the center office individually to sign up. They do issue us each a card.
We discussed doing the Senior craft show but most feel the QIA show is much better. Also remember to make something "cool" to sew at our table.
Next years raffle was also discussed but no diffident answer at this time
Next meeting at Mountain View.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Zada holding a quilt from the trunk show at the Lady Hawk class. We all had a great time!!!

Lady Hawk Classes

Julie of Lady Hawk Designs and Bonnie at class Feb 15.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cindy H. made this crazy about Hearts and Stars. Natalie won with this wall hanging, Best Friends.